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LVR-Förderschule, Förderschwerpunkt körperliche und motorische Entwicklung

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Our partner school in Tunisia

Centré El May (Djerba / Tunisia)

In March 2002 the partnership of Christophorus-school and the centre El May in Tunisia was established."

History of El May"

As part of the centre for disabled U.T.A.I.M.(Union Tunisienne dÁide aux Insuffisants Mentaux) *) in Houmt Souk (Djerba/Tunisia) another centre was founded in El May, district of Midoun, Djerba in 1984. This department became independent as U.T.A.I.M. Midoun, Centre El May in 1996. For the time being it was situated in a parish hall, later on a private house was rented for the centre. It lasted two more years getting a house of one’s own for the centre.
In 1998 the centre moved in a house with two classrooms, one office, one garage, bathrooms and toilets for disabled and a wall around the ground was built. Meanwhile there are also some more classrooms, a joinery, a special room for children being disabled in hearing and speaking, a room for psychological work, a dormitory, a kitchen, a gymnasium, a knitting-room, a selling-room, a hall and other rooms of different functions including a well as well as a Solar panel plant. In the summer-holiday the centre is used as a hostel for the children.
In the year 1996 about 28 children were educated in the centre. Today there are about 76 children and juveniles, containing about 1/3 of girls. The handicaps reach from physical to mental handicaps and other ones concerning the sense organs. The grades of the handicaps are very different.
The pupils are brought to school by a bus owned by the centre. The education time longs the whole day. Beside the normal lessons the pupils work in a joinery, a tailoring, a weaving-mill and kitchens, also some work as gardeners. The pupils normally stay in the centre until they are 25 years old. When they leave school they should be able to work in a small workshop or to do some trade at home to earn little money. At the moment about 15 persons work at the centre. Therapists visit the centre by the hour. Medical providing is given by the local hospital as well as the medical specialists al around Djerba.

*) more to this

Homepage der Partnerschule
Donation account for El May:

Christophorusschule, Michael Schmidt
Stichwort El May
Konto Nr. 222034100
Commerzbank Filiale Bonn Tannenbusch

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